Today was a lovely Valentines Shabat. Eliza was one of the speakers in Sacrament, and her topic was of course love. She did a fabulous job on her talk. After church we went with a group to the Garden Tomb. This is my third time going. It's one of the most peaceful places around Jerusalem. We got to meet some neat people there today, including a small group of German Mormons.
Last night I also got to do some missionary work! Now don't get too excited, I'm not talking about proselyting to people outside of the church, because we as Mormons have made an agreement to not proselyte here in the Holy Land. What I am speaking of is teaching the gospel to those who are already members of the church. Yesterday I had the opportunity to go with the Relief Society Presidency to visit a less active sister in the branch, Luz who is from the Philippines. It was Friday night, so the streets were mostly empty because the Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown, which was so nice for us because traffic is normally chaotic, and it was neat to go in a regular car to a regular apartment. She lives off of Joffa street, and it was difficult to get there on the Jewish Sabbath because many of the side streets were blocked off with barriers. These streets lead to ultra orthodox Jewish homes in Meir Sharim. They are so strict about keeping the Sabbath that they won't even allow others to drive through their neighborhoods (rumor has it you could get stoned if you walk through). Anyway, we got to Luz's house all right and visiting her with the sisters felt just like my missionary days. She is such a sweet woman, and she really wants to be able to go to church, unfortunately her work won't allow her to, so we told her we'd pray for her. Something else that was just like my missionary days was the constant distractions from the television, my great arch Nemesis. I have occasionally wondered why I don't watch much TV since I've gotten back from my mission, but now I know. Other than the TV, it was a lovely visit, and I'm excited to go out and visit other sisters in the branch. Yea for missionary work!

Eliza and I with what is supposed to be Golgotha in the background. You can sort of see the image of a skull behind Eliza's head. (this picture was actually taken a few weeks ago, but it works for today's entry)
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